Since 2013
Honor and Blessing
I help older adults who want to make a difference in future generations publish a memoir filled with their treasured family stories and life lessons.
I have been blessed to work with older adults for the past twenty years, and I'm a better husband, father and friend because of it. By sharing the stories of their victories and their struggles, and the lessons they have learned from both, my cadre of mentors has taught me what really counts in life.
Because I have been so graced, I'm committed to honoring the lives of older adults and helping them bless their families, both now and in future generations. One way I do that is by helping them write their life story.
Collecting and preserving your memories is a way for you to honor your own parents, families, friends, and others who helped shape who you are. Putting those stories together with the wisdom and lessons you have learned through life's ups and downs creates a lasting family treasure.
If you share my desire to honor and to bless future generations, please contact me and we can discuss your next steps.
Bill Tamulonis
[email protected]
“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”
Native American Proverb